尼伯特颱風公告 Announcement for Typhoon NEPARTAK



明日(7/8)依政府公告停止上班上課,詳情請參照人事行政總處資訊網: http://www.dgpa.gov.tw/
如需與本中心聯繫,請寄發電子郵件到: cltc@mail.tcu.edu.tw。我們將於下個上班日儘速為您處理,感謝您!
慈濟大學華語中心 感恩與祝福
The Land warning of typhoon NEPARTAK has been announced by Central Weather Bureau, and our Center will call off school and work after 4 pm today (7/7) according to the order from Directorate-General of Personnel Administration. Please mind your own safety, especially for students in our school.
According to the information of Government, school and work in Hualien will be called off tomorrow (7/8). For more information, please check the website of Directorate-General of Personnel Administration: http://www.dgpa.gov.tw/ndse.html
If you need to contact us, please send e-mail to cltc@mail.tcu.edu.tw. We will reply you on the next working day.
With gradtitude and blessing
Center for Language Studies of Tzu Chi University